Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Podcast Co-Host Wanted!

As you are all aware, the college field hockey pre-season is underway all across the country and teams are taking the field. As you are probably less aware, this site has undertaken the noble venture of having a podcast to cover all of the news. The first two episodes were solo shows aimed at providing a preview of the defending champion, UCONN, and the runner-up, Syracuse. Now that the regular season is quickly approaching, we are looking to change the format of the show, and we need your help. In the first two episodes, it was simply me sharing my thoughts and going over the information. I enjoyed doing it that way, however we are always trying to make this site better, and that includes the new podcast. Because of that, we are looking for an ambitious person who would like to co-host a weekly podcast with me. The ideal candidate is someone who is knowledgable about the sport of field hockey (either through playing experience or by other means) and who follows the NCAA DI conferences. The ideal candidate is also willing to commit an hour a week for recording shows and light research. No previous podcasting experience is needed whatsoever, just a simple desire to talk about a great game. Having fresh ideas for show segments is definitely a plus as well as general creativity. Unfortunately this would not be a paid position, but who knows in the future if we ever have sponsorship?

If you are interested in this, please email me at or reach out on twitter (@CollegeFHtoday). I am so excited to bring you all a weekly podcast devoted to college field hockey, so please help out if you can.

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