Last November, UCONN defeated Syracuse to end the NCAA field hockey season. The season had so many great story lines and drama even from the beginning. Because of that, I began searching for resources that highlighted the game and focused on NCAA division I. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I failed to find a site that covered the sport with a voice (side note: there are a ton of amazing websites filled with stats, scores, and schedules) and that lead to the creation of this site and subsequent twitter account. As the season grew the match-ups became more exciting and entertaining and it made running this an absolute blast.
As many of you who followed know, this site focused on games. Who is playing who, which players could make an impact, and what to watch for. With the NCAA tournament closing, there was obviously no more NCAA games for 2014 to talk about. The season was exciting, but I felt that it was best to take a break from writing to help recharge. Initially the plan was to take a break for the rest of 2014 and pick back up in 2015, but that obviously was extended through the month of January.
So now we are here, and I need your help. Winter is (slowly) coming to an end and many teams are back in the gym training and getting ready. I would like to keep this site active during the spring, but I want to know what you, the readers and field hockey fans want to read about. Recruiting, team previews, interviews with coaches and players? Club hockey news? National team? Something else? I am starting to come up with plans for the spring, but I need your help in knowing what you would most want to be reading about.
Let me know in either the comments here or on twitter. I am looking forward to hearing from you and I hope that your winter training is going well!